Be part of this unique global disc golf experience by purchasing a dgtag today and challenging your disc golf community tomorrow
Photo by Phil @ Studio 71 Photography in Salem Oregon
The world's disc golf bag tag

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February & Week 4 Winners!

Posted by: PolyPill 8 years ago

We're wrapping up February with 4 prizes!

At the end of the 4th week of our Anniversary Special we have our following winners: Gee with an SP Empire and Christ with a ProLine Lone Star. Congratulations you two and thank you for supporting

This is the last week of our giveway! So if you don’t have a dgtags bag tag yet, it isn’t too late, all new orders until Sunday the 5th of March will be eligible to win!

Our February Challenge winner is /u/LRDV8R with a ProLine Luft.


Our February photo winner is /u/dillydobbs with a ProLine Reddit Pipeline. Thank you guys for challenging and participating in the dgtags bag tag challenge.

dgtags monthly drawing continues! So don’t forget to show us a photo of your dgtag on Facbook, Instagram, /r/discgolf or /r/bagtag and/or play in a challenge to increase your odds of winning!

Week 3 Winners!

Posted by: PolyPill 8 years ago

At the end of the 3rd week we have our following winners, /u/Rollbird28 with a Luft ProLine and giron with a Lone Star SP. Congratulations you two and thank you for supporting

This giveaway comes to an end in just 2 WEEKS! So if you don’t have a dgtags bag tag yet, it isn’t too late, all new orders this month will be eligible to win!

Show us a photo of your #dgtags on Facbook, Instagram, r/discgolf or r/bagtag and/or play in a challenge to increase your odds of winning in our monthly drawing!
